Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Giving Thanks Always...

Well, it's the night before Thanksgiving, and I'm sitting here in my dorm room- which means I won't be home for Thanksgiving tomorrow. It's my first major holiday away from home, and I've got to admit, I'd really like to be with my family right now. But, instead of lamenting over that fact, let me list just a few of the MANY things I have to be thankful for!
First of all, I'm thankful for the day I got saved! Heaven is my home, and I am a child of the King!!! :D
Second, I am thankful for my wonderful, crazy, awesome family! I have the greatest parents in the world, who have made me what I am today, and are always there for me.
I have the greatest siblings (all 10 of them!!) and I love them each in a special way. :) Even though I'm not there this Thanksgiving, at least I have the memories from last year!
I am also thankful for all of my friends-both the old, and the new! They all mean a lot to me, and I'm grateful for how God has brought each of them into my life as I have needed them. (:
I'm thankful for the opportunity to attend the greatest Bible college in the world, and to prepare for whatever God wants me to do! I am learning all the time here: in the dorms, in the classroom, in the chapel, and on the weekends.
And last but not least, I am thankful for the wonderful privilege of serving God.
Every weekend, I am able to tell people how to go to Heaven, invite them to church, and spend time with my bus kids. I am able to see converts grow, and see bus kids' parents start to attend our churches.
And I am able to work with the Primary girls on Sunday mornings. They are so precious: they just want to be loved, and they are so willing to love you back the way you are!
God is so good!!! :)
So as Thanksgiving approaches, I challenge you to sit down for a moment to think of how God's blessed you, and be thankful! :)
Psalms 105:1 "O give thanks unto the Lord: call upon his name: make known his deeds among the people."