Thursday, June 14, 2012

HE Shall Give Thee the Desires of Thine Heart

So as I was reading my Bible today, I came across a familiar verse, Psalm 37:4 "Delight thyself also in the LORD: and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart." Have you ever wanted, hoped for, or expected something that didnt come to pass? Of course, we've all been there, and I'm certainly no exception. There's nothing quite like that feeling of dissapointment. Proverbs 13:12a "Hope deferred maketh the heart sick..." So sometimes, when I'm facing these "dissapointments" in my life, God shows me a verse that gives me the answer to my problems. (I can almost hear Him say, "Umm...didn't you learn this verse a long time ago..?" I'm glad He remembers that I'm just dust, and even though I have all the answers in His Word, sometimes I forget!:)) So what's the answer to actually "getting what you want?" Well, it starts when you delight yourself in the Lord. Not just going through the motions of "I read my Bible and prayed for 30 minutes this morning, so I am a good Christian" (yes, unfortunately, we've all been there too...), but I mean actually being excited about and enjoying the time spent with God reading His Word and praying. So after you've delighted yourself in the Lord, then will you get whatever you want? I think not. At least, you probably won't get the things you wanted before. Why? You won't want the same things anymore, because He will put new desires in your heart! Why does He want to give us new desires? So He can fulfill them! God wants you happy, but only He knows that often what we want won't truly make us happy. That is why He wants to choose what desires are in our hearts. Because He knows, "When the desire cometh, it is a tree of life." (Prov.13:12b. After all-He wrote that!!:) So, walk with the Lord, not just because you "have to", but because you want to, then let Him put new desires in your heart, and don't be surprised when you start to have big plans for Him! Don't ever be afraid to dream big for God-He put those dreams and desires in your heart!! :-)