Friday, June 13, 2014

Just My... Luck??

A couple weeks ago, while spending some time outside, I asked The Lord to give me a four-leaved clover (random, I know, but I wanted one!!).
I searched through different patches of clover for a while, with my hopes high that I would find a four-leaved at any moment.

But I was dissapointed.

"That's okay, God." I said after no success, "It wasn't a big deal."
And I subconsciously thought what most of us would probably think after such an instance:
"What a dumb thing to pray for. Of course, God has better things to do than give me four-leaved clovers!"  
To be honest, I guess I kind of felt like apologizing for even bothering Him with something so small.

After all, He's too busy for the silly, little, insignificant things in our lives....right?

Two days later, I went to my church to help decorate for an upcoming graduation.
I entered the room that was to be decorated, flipped on the light, and noticed a piece of trash on the floor across the room.
I walked closer to the trash and knelt to pick it up, but my hand froze and I did a double-take as I realized what this "trash" truly was; on the floor was a dark green clover.
I didn't want to pick it up for fear that it would turn out to be just a three-leaved, and I would be disappointed. I held my breath as I examined it closer.

One, two, three....four. Four leaves!!

Coincidence? I think not.

I could hardly believe it! It was exactly what I had prayed for two days ago, and I really hadn't thought about it since.
My heart suddenly felt felt flooded with the love of God, and I was once again humbled as He reminded me how much He truly cares!

Why should an all-powerful God make time to answer my prayers? Especially those silly, little, unimportant things that make no difference to anyone but me?

I mean, for me, who so often doesn't give Him the time He deserves.
Me, who hurts Him.
Me, who lets Him down more often than I'd like to think.
Though I do truly love Him, I feel like I often fail at showing it!
Yet my God, my sweet, caring, gentle, merciful, loving Father, takes time for the little things.
He loves me unconditionally!
He put a stupid little clover on the floor-that I'd forgotten I'd even prayed for-just to put a smile on my face!!!

How many times do we fail to pray for little things because we think God doesn't care?
How often do we stop asking Him for big things because we think He will not answer?

Friend, don't be afraid to pray about anything and everything! He is waiting to answer! 

Finding a clover on the floor was not just my luck (trust me, being a "lucky" person is not something I'm known for! Haha!), it was so much more than that; it was an answer to prayer, and a reminder of how crazy God is about me!!

After all, I'm His favorite!!!

Oh, and by the're His favorite, too. :-)