Monday, October 20, 2014

But...I Wanted to Be the Tall, Red Tree!

I know what you're thinking..."What's she talking about now??"

Well, I'll tell you.

Recently, the head of our girls' dormitory was giving us a pep talk by comparing the trees of autumn to each of us as individuals.
Seeing as how I'm writing about it, it obviously made an impact on me.

I mean, think about it...

If you take just a moment to look around, you'll easily see that no two people are just alike:
God made us all different, and He did it on purpose.

The colors of sizes of the trees in autumn are the same way-no two are exactly alike!

I love it that way! The short trees make the tall trees look majestic, while the tall trees help the short ones look cute! The red, orange, and brown trees provide a beauty that is only seen this time of year, while the slower-changing green trees give variety to the bright colors.

The variety of the trees of autumn causes us to appreciate them more! 

So...why can't we look at ourselves that way...?

Seriously, surely I'm not the only one who's ever desired to be taller, shorter, thinner, smarter, or whatever. 

And I couldn't be alone in thinking...

"If only I were as pretty as..."

Or, "She is so talented. I wish I could ______ like her."

Or how about, "She has such a way with people! Why can't I be like that?" 

And all the while that we pick ourselves apart for what we're not, we are missing out on our true potential. 

God didn't make me a tall red tree or a small green bush-He made me a short, brown tree. 

He doesn't want me to compair myself-and He doesn't want you to do that, either!

Maybe you're a great tree for climbing, or maybe you are perfect for providing shade.

Maybe you have a squirrel in your trunk, or maybe there's a nest in your branches.

Regardless of how you were made, please, please, learn to appreciate that God made you unique on purpose!!!

Whether you're a natural-born leader, or the shy girl who puts encouraging notes under your friends' door, God can and wants to use you! 

Maybe you have an amazing singing voice, or maybe you have the ability to make people feel good about themselves! 

You might be super creative, or your may be great at organizing. 

But whether or not your talents and abilities seem valuable to you, realize they are a gift from God, and allow them to be used for His glory! 

Help the one who struggles with that which you are good at. 

Praise your friend who got the "A", and feel satisfied knowing that you gave your best. 

After all, God made you He knows what your "best" is-and He requires no more of you than that! 

We should give Him glory when we see the unique beauty He gives the trees in autumn...

...and we should give Him even more glory as we learn to appreciate the unique inward and outward beauty which He has given each of us :)

Psalm 139:14 "I will praise thee, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvelous are thy works, and that my soul knoweth right well."