Thursday, July 17, 2014

It's a Jungle in There!!

At my home, I have a flower garden that I love taking care of each Summer.
There is something about seeing God's beautiful creation that just makes me smile. :-)
But unfortunately, with the flowers come weeds.

This year, lots of them....

See, in the day-to-day busyness of life, I was not finding (or making) time to go and weed my flower bed. 
So the weeds multipled and grew over several weeks-though it was seemingly over-night-until my precious flower bed looked like some type of jungle!! (Seriously, I could've collected money for people to go an a safari through my flower garden..)

Though I knew pulling the weeds was something I needed to find time for, it had grown into such a huge task that I found myself putting it off...


and again...

while the weeds continued to grow. 

Finally, I had to plan a time to tackle the weeds (and I was blessed to have a brother jump in and help me!!)
What could've, would've, and should've originally been a quickly and easy job, turned into back-breaking work that lasted for several hours!! (Okay, okay-no backs were actually broken in the weeding of my garden. ;p)

And guess what I found in my flower garden after pulling out all the weeds??
(Are you ready for this..?)


Funny thing is, the flowers had been there all along, but I just couldn't see them.

And at this point you've probably either stopped reading this post, or you're wondering where on earth I'm going with this story...

So bear with me while I give this story a spiritual application:

In life, we all have "weeds" (sin) that occasionally grow in our garden of life.
Weeds like; envy, selfishness, bitterness, laziness, anger, etc, etc, etc...

At first, we don't even notice one or two weeds.
'Cause a couple of weeds aren't a big deal, right?
But the more we put off dealing the the sin in our life, the more it grows,

and grows...

and grows.

Until before we know it, it has spread throughout every area of our life!
Just like weeds, the longer we wait to deal with the sin in our own lives, the harder it is to get rid of it!

And in the meantime?

We miss all the flowers-the blessings- that God has put into our lives!

So why not pull those weeds before your garden starts looking like mine did?

And if it's already a jungle in there, don't be discouraged! Just buckled down and get the job done! (It helps if you have a brother who will pull weeds with you ;))

It is work, but I promise it will be worth it when you start noticing the blessing of God again.

After all, I like flowers. :)

Don't you?

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