Sunday, September 25, 2011

I Can't believe it's been Four Weeks!!

Well, I have now been in college for nearly four weeks!! I have stayed so busy that time has flown by!

Every now and then, I still find myself amazed that I'm actually here-I'm a student at the greatest Bible College in the world!!! How awesome is that?

I am officially in love...with my bus kids. ;). (Lol! I had you nervous for a minute there, didn't I?). They are so precious, and it is an amazing opportunity to get to be involved in there lives!

We see souls saved every single weekend. (I've got to lead 9 to the Lord in the past few weeks. There is no greater feeling in the world!) One of my sweetest soul winning experiences since I've been here was seeing three children get saved, and seeing the oldest boy immediately become concerned for his dad's salvation. (By the way, his dad did get saved that day!!)

Midterms are just around the corner, so I'm going to stay pretty busy with preparing for them. I'm learning here each and every day, and I'm just trying to enjoy my college experience to the fullest! (As you can see, I have already made lots of memories!)

I'll write again when I can!! :)

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

So This is Bible College..

Well, I've been at Hyles-Anderson college for a week!

I have been super busy, but I'm enjoying every moment of it! (But I have to get up at 5:00 each day..okay, maybe I don't enjoy EVERY moment! Lol!) It is so awesome here,but it's also really different from back home. (The weather is completely bipolar haha!)

All the church and chapel services have been amazing, a I also have a great room with great roommates! I love my classes and my teachers, and I have made so many friends!

The weekends are great!!! I get to go bus visiting and soul winning on Saturdays, and I get to work with 1st and 2nd graders in the primary department on Sundays!!

Am I homesick? Only when I have time to think about it. I love and miss my family VERY much, but, as you can tell, college keeps me very busy!

I wish I had more time to write, but I need some sleep! So, when I get free time between classes, work, and homework, I will write again!! :-)